Conference to Examine ‘Crisis’ in Auto Toolmaking March 24, 2017 The auto industry’s constraint in introducing new models because of a labor shortage to make dies, molds, jigs, fixtures and other tooling will be the focus of a conference next month.
Pilot Composites Workshop Wows Students February 7, 2017 Carbon fiber is a magical material. That or similar comments were heard over and over from Roosevelt High School (Seattle) students attending a Composites 101 Workshop held at the National Resource Center for Materials Technology Education (MatEdU), a National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education (ATE)-sponsored program at Edmonds Community College (Lynnwood, WA).
Bridging the Advanced Manufacturing Skills Gap with Talented Military Veterans February 8, 2017 Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. These are some of the many values that our nations’ heroes live by every day. Most will agree that these instilled values embody what makes veterans great assets in the workforce. Veterans show up on time, are disciplined, and are great problem solvers. There is a problem though. These skilled veterans are having difficulties making the transition to what they call the “civilian world”. Every month thousands of soldiers embark on this new journey.
Robotics Can Create Jobs, Says ARM Chief January 20, 2017 Will automation and robotics create jobs or only cut them? Less than a week after the Advanced Robotics Manufacturing (ARM) institute was announced as the fourteenth hub in the network of Manufacturing USA institutes, Reuters News Agency published an article headlined “U.S. investors see more automation, not jobs, under Trump administration.”
Putting Excited Novices in Charge Works for WPI November 8, 2016 Automated education may not look like what you would expect. A few years ago I was giving a tour of the Manufacturing Laboratories at WPI to an executive of one of the largest CAM companies in the world.
Giving Back Strengthens Manufacturing November 30, 2016 It’s no coincidence that this editorial will reach you in the midst of our 2016 holiday season—the time of year when many embrace a sense of giving back to others and their community. I hope after reading this editorial you’ll feel empowered and inspired to give back to the SME Education Foundation, as I’ve done for over three decades now.
Taking Charge of Talent: How Manufacturing’s Future Relies on You August 3, 2016 Most manufacturers are proud of what they do. They take pride in working with their hands and utilizing new technology. There’s a spark of creativity within them and they strive to be innovative and unique. There’s a magic to manufacturing. That is manufacturing’s reality.
Simulated Workforce Program Puts Students in Charge August 31, 2016 Today, eight out of 10 manufacturers are worried about meeting their workforce requirements within the next five years. Many of these companies say they have openings for specific jobs, but they can’t find enough reliable employees who show up for work, pass drug tests, or even have a positive work ethic.
Connect Education with Job Opportunities June 15, 2016 Today, two-thirds of manufacturing companies report a moderate to severe shortage of available, qualified workers, with as many as 5% of current jobs going unfilled due to a lack of capable candidates—this represents 600,000 jobs.
Breathing Safely Around Metal 3D Printers February 8, 2016 When GE decided that additive manufacturing was the way to go for making metal fuel nozzles for its new LEAP engine, the company touched off interest in other shops to move 3D printers from the design studio to the factory floor. It also stepped up the focus on safety standards for metal AM.