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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 91-100 of 155 results for

Cybersecurity clear Lasers clear

Now Is the Time to Go for Compliance with CMMC

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification, an assemblage of information and computer security controls, is required of Department of Defense suppliers starting this year, with rolling deadlines over the next few years.

How SMMs Can Embrace Volatility Using Digital Manufacturing

To be competitive in today’s dynamic manufacturing environment, small- and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) need to implement mechanisms to facilitate the effective processing of multiple streams of highly volatile and time-sensitive customer requirements.

Which Cut is Best, Water or Laser?

Laser cutting and waterjet cutting: two great technologies that go great together? Or best when they play solo? As ever, the answer is it depends—on what work a shop has coming in the door, what materials are being processed most often, operator skill levels and, ultimately, the available equipment budget.

High-Power Fiber Laser Welding With Filler Material

Fiber laser welding continues to grow as it improves in weld quality, reliability and performance. Many fiber laser welding applications are autogenous, where the weld is formed entirely by melting parts of the base metal and no additional filler wire or powder is used