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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 1031-1040 of 1254 results for

Fabrication clear Smart Manufacturing clear Automation clear

Enabling a more flexible, less expensive, faster supply chain

As manufacturers aim to become increasingly nimble in the marketplace,distributed manufacturing—making parts or finished products at or near the location where they will be used instead of at a central factory—is emerging as a way to advance a faster, more flexible and cheaper supply chain.

Hexagon Announces HxGN LIVE Smart Manufacturing Detroit 2020

Hexagon's Manufacturing Intelligence division announced today it will host HxGN LIVE Smart Manufacturing Detroit 2020, to be held May 19-20. The digital solutions conference will be held at Hexagon’s newest U.S. facility and regional cornerstone in Novi, Mich.

The Best of Both Worlds in the Same Machine

Hybrid manufacturing—using one machine to perform both additive and conventional subtractive manufacturing processes—is gaining traction across manufacturing sectors, allowing companies to leverage the benefits of both.

Control Software Improvements Spurring Manufacturing’s Digitization Push

More and more manufacturers are seeing productivity as a crucial factor to their business success. In the meantime, business models are changing from the large quantities and few variants to small quantities with frequently changed variants. This change requires high flexibility during production.

Making Hay With Reams of Data—From Supply Chain Players

Within manufacturing, a shift has begun to extend big data analytics and condition monitoring beyond the factory door to both ends of the supply chain—to customers, other end users and to second-and third-tier suppliers.