NAM Unveils 'Wear a Face Covering' Ad Campaign June 24, 2020 The National Association of Manufacturers has started its "Wear a Face Covering" ad campaign which says face coverings are vital to restarting businesses amid COVID-19.
NAM Leads Fights Against Counterfeit Products July 23, 2020 The National Association of Manufacturers has released a report about counterfeit manufactured products.
ToolConnect IoT Upgrade Announced June 11, 2020 An upgrade to ToolConnect IoT was announced by Visual Knowledge Share Ltd.
Machines Italia Issues Call for Submissions June 17, 2020 The Italian Trade Agency via its North American Offices is producing a 2020 edition of its Machines Italia magazine, highlighting solutions provided by Italian companies to a North American audience.
Reshoring Operations in the Age of COVID-19: Part Two November 5, 2020 In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a pandemic. Manufacturers are dealing with the fact that the virus has exposed the fact that many domestic (North American-based) brands rely significantly upon China for fulfilling some, part, or nearly all, of their supply chain.
Manufacturing in the Middle of COVID-19 Pandemic March 18, 2020 Manufacturing has been in the middle of the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) from the start. The impact is expanding as the virus spreads.
Siemens Digital Industries Software Chief Addresses Impact of COVID-19 March 23, 2020 Tony Hemmelgarn, CEO, offers free subscriptions to learning memberships, limited time licenses in key software offerings for workers and students.
VoltAero’s Cassio Aircraft Flight Testing Underway with Safran’s ENGINeUSTM Electric Motors March 18, 2020 VoltAero has begun flight testing of its new family of Cassio e-aircraft using Safran Electrical & Power’s ENGINeUSTM smart electric motors.
Cutting Tool Orders Rise in January March 12, 2020 Cutting tool consumption in January 2020 rose 5 percent compared with December 2019, according to the U.S. Cutting Tool Institute and AMT - The Association for Manufacturing Technology.
Ford Suspends Dividend, Taps Credit Lines Because of COVID-19 Pandemic March 19, 2020 Ford Motor Co. said today it’s suspending its stock dividend and tapping credits lines to ensure it has enough cash amid the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19).