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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 1071-1080 of 1089 results for

Manufacturing Management clear Electronics Manufacturing clear

Feeling Groovy

Parting and grooving operations are everyday occurrences in a typical turning department. Is your shop performing them most effectively?

Machine Tool Orders Top $500M in April

Machine tool orders surpassed $500 million in April, the second consecutive month above that level, AMT – The Association for Manufacturing Technology said today.

Japanese, German Innovators Broaden Work That Stars ‘Digital Companion’

In preparation for mass customization, for starters, Japanese and German tech research officials today committed to expanding their joint work to establish a “social-technical or maybe ‘cyber-social’ environment where ‘digital companions’ and production lines communicate with humans” working in manufacturing, Andreas Dengel said in an interview with Smart Manufacturing magazine here at the CeBIT (Centrum der Büroautomation und Informationstechnologie und Telekommunikation) fair.

Build-to-Stock or Build-to-Order?

Manufacturing companies are responsible for creating products to deliver to their customers. Of course, a production system needs to be in place to understand how much product needs to be made.

Orchestrating Your Product Development Process with Milestones

Effective milestones are an important part of a company’s development process, especially in today’s era of team-based sprints and stand-ups. Yet many companies struggle to successfully create and employ milestones; and some don’t even understand their relevance beyond updating senior leadership.