Let’s boldly go where no robot has gone before April 7, 2021 COVID-19 put a spotlight on the brittleness of the U.S. manufacturing supply chain. Responding to crises of many types requires, at least, the ability to rapidly repair or rebuild the machines that are the foundation of our economy.
Livin’ Large with Outsize Parts and Workholding May 25, 2021 Workholding needs to be super-sized when machining workpieces like truck transmission housings, wind turbine blades, rocket bodies, and more, for industries like aerospace and defense, agricultural, energy, marine, rail, and on- and off-road transportation.
Boosting production output, improving quality with automated machine control May 26, 2021 Here is a case study of how Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence helped out a manufacturer.
Toolholding: Built for Speed May 27, 2021 The evolution to high speed machining (HSM) is continuing and toolholders are playing a crucial role in that process, which includes the interlinking of machining center, programming, high-speed spindles, advanced cutting tools, balancing, and high-performance toolholders in order for shops to take full advantage of HSM.
An Improbable but Powerful Solution June 23, 2021 At first glance, ceramic cutting tools appear doomed to failure, but the reality is just the opposite.
Checking Up on Tool Monitoring May 28, 2021 Machine shops use a variety of techniques to track the condition of their cutting tools, ranging from simple to sophisticated. No matter what monitoring method is used, it can be crucial in preventing catastrophic tool failure. At its best, monitoring also significantly boosts tool life and slashes tooling costs.
IMCO Introduces M213 STREAKERS for Aggressive , High-Performance Machining of Aluminum Alloys June 10, 2021 IMCO Carbide Tool has launched a new series of endmills for extreme tool paths in aluminum alloys and provide superior surface finishes in aerospace industry applications.
Felsomat USA to Host Innovation Day on June 10 June 7, 2021 Felsomat USA will host Innovation Day on June 10 at its U.S. headquarters in Schaumburg.
New Data Collection Technology Ensures Speed, Accuracy, Scalability and Security May 21, 2021 Roush Yates Engines explored ways to improve the accuracy, integrity and throughput of its measurement data, and decided to implement DataSure 4.0, a data acquisition solution developed by The L.S. Starrett Co.