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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 1221-1230 of 1655 results for

Smart Manufacturing clear Manufacturing Management clear Cybersecurity clear

Machine Tool Orders Top $500M in April

Machine tool orders surpassed $500 million in April, the second consecutive month above that level, AMT – The Association for Manufacturing Technology said today.

ISM Forecasts Manufacturing to Expand in 2020

Manufacturing should expand in the first half of 2020, including increased revenue for companies, the Institute for Supply Management said this week in a semi-annual forecast.

VeriTX Announces Licensing Agreement

VeriTX Corp. announced today an agreement to license Moog Inc.’s VeriPart process which enables high integrity supply chain solutions.

American, German, Swedish manufacturers gladly adopt factory-within-factory concept

Manufacturers of all sizes see an uptick in productivity after adding a factory within a factory via an automated machining cell. The cells are small-scale, clearly defined production units, often for a family of similar parts or a product, and they typically include a robotic arm and one or more machine tools. These can include horizontal and vertical lathes, machining centers and grinders. The cell may also include a conveyor component.

Japanese firm embraces edge computing after experiment

The Internet of Things (IoT) market is estimated to reach 75 billion devices worldwide by 2025. With the big increase in connected devices, it’s becoming more critical than ever for manufacturers to leverage new technologies, such as edge computing, to gather, process and manage IoT data.

4 questions to ask as you decide on an IIoT solution

You’ve done it: Everyone is on board with a digital transformation. So where do you go from here? The next major decision in the process is determining whether you build an IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) solution or hire a solutions provider to complete the project on your behalf.