Introduction to Stamping 100 Introduction to Stamping 100 This class provides a comprehensive overview of stamping. Stamping is common in the manufacturing field and is used to create parts for various industries. Stamping
Stamping Operations 125 Stamping Operations 125 This class provides an overview of the operations stamping presses can perform. Presses are complex machines that can be equipped with different tooling called dies. Dies
Stamping Safety 105 Stamping Safety 105 This class provides an overview of the safety measures and requirements for operating stamping presses. Presses generate powerful forces to cut and shape metal and pose
SME Announces New Workforce Development Award Program The Workforce Development Innovation Award honors an organization that demonstrates exceptional commitment to developing a skilled manufacturing workforce by preparing them for in-demand jobs and
Bridging the Skills Gap in Manufacturing August 13, 2024 The manufacturing industry has been facing a number of significant challenges in recent years, including a pervasive skills gap.
Varied Perspectives on Hospital-based 3D Printing: Qualified Healthcare Professionals UGxhbm5pbmdfMjUxODQzMQ== Varied Perspectives on Hospital-based 3D Printing: Qualified Healthcare Professionals Varied Perspectives on Hospital-based 3D Printing: Qualified Healthcare
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Optimize Stent Design by Additive Manufacturing: A Biomechanical and Hemodynamic Approach UGxhbm5pbmdfMjUxODQzNA== Optimize Stent Design by Additive Manufacturing: A Biomechanical and Hemodynamic Approach Optimize Stent Design by Additive Manufacturing: A Biomechanical and Hemodynamic