Lowest Lifecycle Costs vs. Lowest Price June 5, 2020 For manufacturers overseeing major capital investments, understanding the true cost of a product or service can be difficult.
Italian Technology Award: Opens Doors, Enriches Engineering Education May 29, 2020 About 30 years ago, I was introduced to the amazing world of manufacturing. The Universal Co., a well-established home appliance manufacturer in Tehran, Iran, had already started to be equipped with advanced mechanisms and robots. There, my new work as a manufacturing engineer/die designer produced a deep, passionate love for manufacturing.
COVID-19 Manufacturing News Digest: May 13, 2020 May 13, 2020 Manufacturers across the world are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in many different ways. These are some of their stories.
Shop Helps Revolutionize Oil Disaster Response April 28, 2020 Oil spills are, unfortunately, an unavoidable consequence of pumping, drilling and shipping the commodity around the globe. The most recent large-scale oil spill, the BP Deepwater Horizon incident in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico, continues to have detrimental effects on surrounding ecosystems.
Manufacturers Unveil Industry COVID-19 Shared Practices May 21, 2020 The Manufacturing Leadership Council, a division of the National Association of Manufacturers, released a new collection of emerging strategies and operational practices that manufacturers of all sizes are implementing to keep their employees safe and facilities operating.
COVID-19 Manufacturing News Digest: May 22, 2020 May 22, 2020 Manufacturers across the world are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in many different ways. These are some of their stories.
OMAX to Host Virtual Tradeshow Showcasing Waterjet Cutting Technology May 21, 2020 OMAX Corp. will host a virtual tradeshow on May 28 at 9 a.m. PDT featuring the company’s latest abrasive waterjet cutting technologies.
Supply Chain Planning Key for Business: Survey May 27, 2020 Respondents in a survey said supply chain planning drives better business performance.
Study: COVID-19 Causes Manufacturing Utilization to Drop April 29, 2020 A study of small- to medium-sized manufacturers indicated a majority of those surveyed indicated they are operating at reduced capacity.
Finance Chiefs Expect More Safety Measures Because of COVID-19: PwC April 27, 2020 Chief financial officers expect to take more workplace safety steps because of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) as companies return to work, consulting firm PwC said today.