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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 1301-1310 of 1896 results for

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America Makes reaches significant milestone

America Makes, the public-private partnership that the Obama administration set up to foster research and innovation in additive manufacturing, achieved a significant milestone late last year: an online portal to track gaps in additive manufacturing (AM) standards.

Acquiring Production Data From Legacy Equipment

Manufacturers make strategic and operational decisions with digital production data and analytics, including information ranging from part counts and output speeds to machine conditions and alarm status.

Manufacturing Cuts 18,000 Jobs in March

Manufacturing lost 18,000 jobs last month, with non-durable goods industries taking the biggest hit as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) slammed the economy.

Machine Vision Technology Advances Rapidly

Machine vision is proving ideal in helping humans perform tedious but crucial manufacturing tasks. That is why it is poised to grow significantly in the next few years.