Digital Twins for the Machining Process June 28, 2022 Digital twins are breathing life and innovation into increasingly more areas of manufacturing as well as solving challenges for machine shops of all sizes. With the skilled labor shortage and an ongoing effort to reshore high-tech manufacturing to the U.S., digital twins have a lot to offer.
Does Size Really Matter in the EV Battery Race? October 21, 2021 Claudia Jarrett, U.S. country manager at automation parts supplier EU Automation, delves into the pros and cons of both gigafactories and microfactories.
National Safety Council Research Shows Employer Vaccine Requirements Work October 4, 2021 SAFER initiative report highlights lessons learned from employer COVID-19 response to date and provides guidance on future pandemic-related workplace safety; Majority of U.S. Workforce in Favor
An Essential Element of Electrification August 26, 2021 An official of the Aluminum Association makes the case why aluminum will be important for the electrification of vehicles.
The Next Industry 4.0 Milestone: Data-Driven Safety July 29, 2021 Industry 4.0 initiatives need to consider safety as well as other functions
Workforce Development for Global Competitiveness June 24, 2021 A widening skills gap threatens U.S. manufacturing competitiveness and consequently our economy. A talent pipeline with a sufficient supply of properly aligned skills is imperative to meet U.S. manufacturers’ needs for capacity, productivity and innovation.
AI-based digital assistants ensure operational resilience May 27, 2021 In IIoT-based smart factory setups, AI-enabled digital assistants are linked into all assets and all data. It is this intelligence that takes the IIoT beyond data collection to predictions and decisions.
Legal Insights for the Metals Industry April 15, 2021 Two attorneys explain why a strong sales contract is a necessity in the metals industry.