INDEX Launches iXacademy Online Training Platform January 21, 2022 INDEX has announced the launch of iXacademy, a new online platform designed to provide manufacturers with training on a wide variety of topics in a flexible and convenient format.
The Future of U.S. Competitiveness and Reshoring January 13, 2022 A few vital areas in which advanced manufacturing is providing significant gains.
Thanks for the Memories! January 7, 2022 Manufacturing Engineering editor-in-chief Alan Rooks is retiring.
Overcoming bias in training November 24, 2021 When expressions of performance are fully understood throughout the organization, everyone has the same chance to demonstrate their abilities regardless of a supervisor’s potential bias.
Making work safer, healthier one data point at a time November 23, 2021 As broad-based adoption of wearable tech grows, it is not a stretch to think that in a few years we will have enough predictive data to dramatically reduce workplace injuries and fatalities.
Community of Manufacturing Builds Better Outcomes October 27, 2021 Phillips Corp. aims to provide young people with the tools to create meaningful manufacturing careers.
Digitize Your Additive Manufacturing Facility: it’s Not Just About Shiny New Tech October 14, 2021 The most important step in digitizing any manufacturing or supply chain process is analysis of the ROI and business case and being able to demonstrate success to company leaders.
Discovering the Keys to U.S. Manufacturing Recovery October 5, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic clearly proved challenging to the manufacturing industry in myriad ways. Now, as nations and industries begin to navigate their way forward as restrictions are lifted, manufacturers have an opportunity to put into practice some lessons learned.
Workforce Development for Global Competitiveness June 24, 2021 A widening skills gap threatens U.S. manufacturing competitiveness and consequently our economy. A talent pipeline with a sufficient supply of properly aligned skills is imperative to meet U.S. manufacturers’ needs for capacity, productivity and innovation.
Developing Next-Gen Manufacturing Professionals June 18, 2021 Recruiting, training and retaining manufacturing workers is a constant challenge. The skills gap is real and growing, but the manufacturing industry has several tools to deal with this challenge.