Smart Manufacturing Predictions from Inside the AeroDef Boardroom September 30, 2021 Smart manufacturing is transforming A&D manufacturing as more companies adopt automation, artificial intelligence and robotics. Some manufacturers are also focusing on eliminating so-called islands of automation and integrating the technology across entire processes.
Group14 Technologies Announces U.S. Plant April 19, 2021 Group14 Technologies, a global provider of silicon-carbon composite materials for lithium-ion markets, announced the launch of its first commercial-scale 27,000-square foot U.S. manufacturing factory.
4 technology trends that will define modern manufacturing December 20, 2021 As manufacturers embrace the “new normal,” advanced technologies will set organizations apart from the field.
Focusing on the Workforce January 7, 2022 As the 2022 SME president, I hope to build on the successes of my predecessors with a particular emphasis on workforce development and especially the workforce itself.
Medical Manufacturing Gets Smarter October 28, 2021 More flexible machines and more automation are remaking the future of health care.
Toolmakers Target Tough Alloys December 2, 2021 Heat-resistant superalloys resist heat—and easy cutting. Industry experts offer solutions.
New Aluminum Powder for 3D Printing January 14, 2021 Rusal America releases new line of aluminum alloy powders for Additive Manufacturing.
Companies are Building a Future in Florida January 26, 2021 Thanks in part to its pro-business policies, strong workforce, and trade infrastructure, Florida ranks among the nation’s top 10 states for manufacturing.
Sandvik Launches Sanicro 35 Super-Austenitic Grade Steel August 26, 2020 Maker of a new alloy targets extremely corrosive environments and seawater applications
Flexibility as a Fundamental Weapon Against COVID-19 May 1, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic is causing major upheavals both in people’s lives and in the manufacturing world. One of the main problems that even the most developed nations are facing is a shortage of personal protection equipment (PPE), including masks, glasses, gowns, safety suits, and fans.