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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 21-30 of 224 results for

Product Design & Engineering clear Lasers clear Casting clear Stamping clear

Semiconductor Devices for Automobiles

There are more applications of semiconductors in hybrid and electric vehicles which are now growing significantly, with more than 1 million EVs added in the last year globally.

The Business Case for PLE in Auto Design

Feature-based Product Line Engineering (PLE) is an engineering discipline that harnesses the similarities among related products, while respecting and managing their differences.

Industrial Lasers Power Up

Industrial lasers continue to boost efficiency and profitability in applications from hand-held welding to turnkey and custom cutting, welding and marking systems.

Discovering the Keys to U.S. Manufacturing Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic clearly proved challenging to the manufacturing industry in myriad ways. Now, as nations and industries begin to navigate their way forward as restrictions are lifted, manufacturers have an opportunity to put into practice some lessons learned.

The Divergent Paths 2 Women Took to Lead Automation Efforts

Automating the manufacture and assembly of aerospace and defense components is no simple task. Two leading engineering executives, Nicole Williams at The Boeing Co. and Marie-Christine Caron at GE Aviation, oversee automation efforts at their respective companies.