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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 301-310 of 685 results for

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Advances in Titanium Machining—Do More on Less Floor

The demand for titanium components by the aerospace industry began as a whisper about 15 years ago and steadily grew to a sustained, raucous shout over the last five and likely won’t quiet for several more.

New Graphene Synthesized for Industrial Uses

Materials researcher Metalysis Ltd. (South Yorkshire, UK) recently announced that it has developed a new synthesized graphene material that holds potential for future industrial production. Metalysis, which is focused on commercializing its proprietary electrochemical metal-powder manufacturing technology, said its R&D successfully produced graphene using the company’s own process.

There is No Hold on Innovation in Workholding

When it comes to creative workholding solutions, Kurt Industrial Products Division doesn’t hesitate to replace one or even two of its old vises with a new one to get a better product.

Mark Mohr Joins Lawson as Partner

Lawson Corp. Inc., ( an acquisition, merger, and business advisement group, is proud to announce that as of January 1st, 2017 Mr. Mark Mohr, has joined the company as a partner.

Shop Shrinks Setup Times from Days to Minutes

Combining effective shop-floor strategies with advanced machine tool technology has resulted in dramatic setup reductions for Land & Sea Inc., dramatically shrinking setup times from days to minutes.

Laser Takes Heat Out of Tough Tool Grinding

Cutting tool maker Shape-Master Tool Co. (Kirkland, IL) needed to expand its tool grinding capability beyond that of its conventional machines or run the risk of losing work to the competition.

Auto Industry Faces Short- and Long-Term Challenges

Sales of cars and light trucks plummeted during the Great Recession and General Motors Co. and Chrysler emerged from government-back bankruptcies in 2009. Since then, total industry deliveries have surged, hitting a record 17.47 million in 2015, according to Autodata Corp.

High-Speed Cutting for Small Precision Parts

Dau Thermal Solutions Inc. (Macedon, NY) was finding that its spindle speeder was definitely not up to speed when it came up against the test results for NSK’s HES510 series electric spindle.