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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 301-310 of 1130 results for

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Toolmakers Respond to New Holemaking Demands

One of mankind’s oldest manufacturing methods—making a hole—is now challenged by rapid advances, including new and harder materials, increased part complexity, ever smaller component parts, and the need for shorter cycle times.

Multi-Purpose Machine Tool

So you’ve heard all sorts of good things about Swiss-style, sliding headstock CNC lathes and have been thinking about investing in one.

One man's war on disaster

Factory safety is not a theoretical issue for Gabe Glynn, CEO of the wearable tech firm MākuSafe.

AutoML 2.0: Making AI in manufacturing simple

Managing sensor performance has become a must-have for manufacturers. The advent and rapid adoption of IoT technology, enabling smart manufacturing systems, has created a two-fold scenario. Intelligent systems at once provide for near-real-time systems monitoring and create a new prediction problem.

For older workers, wearables are where it's at

When the ergonomics team at General Motors decided to field test wearables to augment their plant workers’ physical abilities, they partnered with body mechanics experts who collect data in a scientific way—and talked with users.

ShopBot Tools Launches Virtual Workshop for CNC

ShopBot Tools, a manufacturer of CNC routers, has launched a “virtual workshop” for ShopBot customers and CNC users. While individuals, businesses, and educational institutions work to adapt to the changing environment surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, ShopBot is providing virtual tools to make CNC accessible to small and mid-sized manufacturers, including education, training, information, support.