Trumpf Shows New Offerings—Virtually September 15, 2021 Among the expected new product offerings a company such as Trumpf would offer at FABTECH, it chose to show all of its offerings via large video screens and real-time links. It shows the reality of not only Industry 4.0 but Marketing 4.0 as well.
Modular Fixturing Helps Marine Propulsion Manufacturer Go Full Speed Ahead March 29, 2021 On paper, it should have been smooth sailing. When Fairbanks Morse installed a robotic welding cell at its Beloit, Wis. headquarters, the goal was to increase output of the massive marine propulsion systems they manufacture.
Gear Machining Made Easy: TNC Cycles for Skiving February 24, 2020 Machining gears is still regarded by many machine tool operators as a true challenge and a realm reserved exclusively for specialists.
Maximizing MRR with Tools for High-Speed Milling June 17, 2020 Advanced cutting tools can maximize metal removal rates (MRR) when machining even the most difficult-to-machine materials. Powered by the latest CAM programs, these machining strategies are known variously as high-speed, high-efficiency, optimized roughing and also by proprietary brand names like Mastercam’s Dynamic Milling.
April 2020 U.S. Cutting Tool Orders Down 14.4% from April 2019 June 16, 2020 April 2020 U.S. cutting tool consumption totaled $142.9 million, according to the U.S. Cutting Tool Institute (USCTI) and AMT – The Association For Manufacturing Technology.
Best-Selling Machining Books of 2019 January 16, 2020 Practical Machinist wanted to simplify your quest by providing you with a list of the best-selling machining books of 2019 according to our community. All the books in this list are a must-have, so we strongly encourage you to add them to your machine shop library, if you don’t have them already.
Innovations in Workholding April 14, 2020 Not long ago, the mention of workholding might call to mind the traditional vise or three-jaw chuck. The integral nature of proper fixturing to successful machining has forever changed that paradigm and made workholding as critical to the manufacturing process as any of the machines or systems of which it is a part.
How Bright is the Future of Automation? April 17, 2020 In the 1955 short story “Autofac,” Philip K. Dick envisioned a world dominated by self-replicating robots that work incessantly, eventually depleting the planet’s resources.
Intelligent Toolholder Controls Cutting in Real Time April 15, 2020 Vibrations, chatter marks, and tool failure are all problems that can be prevented with intelligent monitoring and feedback systems.
Tooling Technology Past, Present and Future April 14, 2020 The history of cutting tools goes back a ways—a long, long way. Our prehistoric ancestors were pretty good at making stone tools, and the technology has improved from there. I saw how much on a February visit to the Deutsches Museum in Munich, which has an exhibit on the history of machining.