Regional Experts: Training, Flexibility Key to Recovery September 28, 2021 Around the U.S., the major manufacturing regions are taking stock of the fallout from the pandemic and how they can navigate out of the lockdowns in 2020 to thrive once again.
NextFlex helps to build flexible electronics infrastructure, workforce October 1, 2021 NextFlex, formed in 2015, facilitates innovation in flexible hybrid electronicds—an emerging technology—and fosters domestic manufacturing of them, including workforce development.
Can U.S. remain competitive in SiC chip industry? December 1, 2021 Manufacturing USA Update: PowerAmerica’s Victor Veliadis offers a mass-production plan for SiC chips
Helping companies improve quality, reduce repairs and waste December 6, 2021 The experience an Italian electronics manufacturer had with emerging tools provides a glimpse of a better world.
CESMII and SME join forces to accelerate smart manufacturing November 29, 2021 Meeting the urgent need for a National Smart Manufacturing Executive Council
Custom Products, Standard Training January 18, 2022 Tooling U-SME proves the most helpful training to Iowa’s Rosenboom because employees learn things online that are immediately applicable.
4 technology trends that will define modern manufacturing December 20, 2021 As manufacturers embrace the “new normal,” advanced technologies will set organizations apart from the field.
How Automation Enables Manufacturing Reshoring January 11, 2022 By relying on industrial automation technologies, companies that reshore operations can minimize economic impact while maintaining product quality.
Focusing on the Workforce January 7, 2022 As the 2022 SME president, I hope to build on the successes of my predecessors with a particular emphasis on workforce development and especially the workforce itself.
Healthcare 4.0 April 5, 2022 AI, analytics, robots and additive manufacturing are transforming healthcare—from surgery to billing