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Casting clear Additive Manufacturing & 3D Printing clear Fabrication clear

Metal AM: Challenging the Paradigm

The industry standard for 3D printing metal surfaces [without supports] is 45o, as measured from the horizontal plane. That’s what most printers are capable of achieving without supports.

More to Choose From in 3D Printing

From Copper to Filaments, engineers are developing new materials for 3D printing, advancing its practical use. In February, Markforged, Watertown, Mass., commercialized a pure copper filament for its printers so they can use this hard-to-machine metal.

Three Ways Industry 4.0 Is Forcing Manufacturers to Rethink Lead Times

Named the next phase in the digitization of the manufacturing sector by McKinsey & Company, Industry 4.0 is sweeping through manufacturing—combining connectivity with computational power and data for unparalleled capabilities. Here are three ways Industry 4.0 is forcing manufacturers to rethink one key metric: their lead times.

Hybrid Machine Tools Offer One-Two Punch

When additive manufacturing first hit the market, some said it would eventually be the death of traditional, or subtractive, CNC machining. More than 30 years later, new machines are showing additive manufacturing as it really is—a complementary technology.

Metal 3D Printing’s Day is Coming in Automotive

The world is undergoing some radical transformations related to the concept of “motorized transport.” This term was once synonymous with the automobile and the internal combustion engine, along with the conventional infrastructure supporting this technology like asphalt roads, filling stations and repair shops.