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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 491-500 of 980 results for

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Africa as the ‘Next Growth Miracle’

One of the fastest growing automotive markets in the world is India, and one of the most successful companies there is a company called Maruti Suzuki. Maruti formed a partnership with Suzuki in the 1980s.

CEOs: Embrace ‘Remote Experts,’ Sensors, Continuous Training, to Address Skills Gap

Tackling the workforce skills gap issue involves dealing with not only experienced employees who have sharp subtractive manufacturing skills but have to be prodded to move into additive manufacturing (AM) but also newbies who still need to hone skills required to harness the promise of emerging technology, Atlas Stamping and Manufacturing CEO Lynda Prigodich-Reed said.

Lockheed Finds AM Sweet Spot

Not everything should be additively produced. But military training cockpits should. In the five years since the Advanced Manufacturing Center was first established at Lockheed Martin’s Training and Logistics plant in Orlando, FL, grown parts insertion on end-use applications has steadily grown.

How to save a cool $100 million. Each year.

A major aerospace equipment manufacturer struggled to balance supply and demand. The failure resulted in long lead times, high inventory, rising costs and an inability to meet customer demand. The manufacturer risked loss of market share.

Advanced Shops Aim to be on the Top of their Game

Shops looking for ways to improve productivity in traditional subtractive machining processes need look no further than ways to reduce setup time, improve spindle uptime, and implement CNC programming efficiencies. Shop managers overwhelmed by claims about the future of digitalization and Industry 4.0 can find ways to translate that exciting promise into their day-to-day operations—today.