Smaller manufacturers can use AR to keep eyes on prize October 12, 2017 As manufacturing becomes ever more complex, tools that assist workers with difficult or unfamiliar tasks are becoming critical to process efficiency and product quality. An explosion in the development of mobile, wearable, and augmented reality (AR) computing technologies has thus created a new world of possibilities for the manufacturing industry.
Advanced Shops Aim to be on the Top of their Game October 11, 2017 Shops looking for ways to improve productivity in traditional subtractive machining processes need look no further than ways to reduce setup time, improve spindle uptime, and implement CNC programming efficiencies. Shop managers overwhelmed by claims about the future of digitalization and Industry 4.0 can find ways to translate that exciting promise into their day-to-day operations—today.
How to save a cool $100 million. Each year. August 8, 2017 A major aerospace equipment manufacturer struggled to balance supply and demand. The failure resulted in long lead times, high inventory, rising costs and an inability to meet customer demand. The manufacturer risked loss of market share.
IoT Tech Accelerates Among Manufacturers: Survey July 25, 2017 Manufacturers are accelerating use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, according to a survey of 66 companies.
FCA, Toyota, Faurecia, AP&T Win Lightweighting Awards July 31, 2017 Altair and the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) have announced the winners of the 5th annual Altair Enlighten Award, which strives to promote and celebrate innovation in automotive lightweighting.
Welcome to the team sport of condition monitoring July 25, 2017 Condition monitoring is exploding. All manufacturers of any type of equipment are putting sensors in their machines,” said Michael Fry, a director with CIMdata.
‘Digital factory’ could take flight on back of robotics, simulation July 12, 2017 After years of hype, the digital factory—the comprehensive integration of data from development, production and suppliers via new hardware and software meant to increase efficiency—is gradually becoming a reality.
R&D Aids Aluminum Use June 12, 2017 For global automakers, removing weight from their vehicles remains the top priority as they seek ways to meet a stringent federal fuel economy mandate by 2025 and other new pollution-control regulations.
Rockwell counts all the ways digital ‘journey’ has paid off June 14, 2017 Tom O’Reilly, VP, Global Business Development at Rockwell Automation, speaks with Smart Manufacturing magazine.
Jenoptik Opens New Automotive Technical Center June 15, 2017 Metrology developer Jenoptik AG (Jena, Germany) on Thursday officially opened its new North American technology campus here that will focus on the industrial metrology and laser processing systems used primarily by its automotive OEM and Tier customers.