Masters of Manufacturing: Herbert B. Voelcker July 1, 2009 A self-described “river rat” during his teenage years, Herbert B. Voelcker grew up in the small town of Tonawanda, NY, just north of Buffalo, where as a young man he grew to love the water, boats, and steam engines. His early fascination with how things worked eventually led him to study mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA), and to embark later on a greatly varied technical career highlighted by his research into the mathematical foundations for 3-D solid modeling.
Heijunka: Leveling Production August 1, 2006 Stability on the floor, and all of the subsequent positives associated with stability, are the objectives of this lean tool
Masters of Manufacturing: M. Eugene Merchant July 1, 2004 M. Eugene Merchant began his career in 1936 at the Cincinnati Milling Machine Co. (later Cincinnati Milacron), where he went to work analyzing the nature of friction between the cutting tool and the chip. The young engineer eventually developed a mathematical model of the metalcutting process that is still taught and used today.
Machine Components/Cleaning/Environment/Fluid Power and Other Manufacturing Equipment August 1, 2004 Keeping products clean is becoming a more significant part of manufacturing as standards for cleanliness, deburring, and finish grow more stringent.
Manufacturing Management Manufacturing Management Stay informed with the latest insights, news, resources and products in Manufacturing Management to improve your manufacturing career and operations. manufacturing
Software Software Stay informed with the latest insights, news, resources and products in Software to improve your manufacturing career and operations. software, software manufacturing, controls and
Building Successful Businesses in Tampa Bay June 28, 2022 Business in Tampa Bay is booming. In this podcast, Steve Morey, senior vice president of the economic development for the Tampa Bay Economic Development Council, and Jamie Harden, president and CEO of Creative Sign Designs, share their insights.
Techniques for Problem Solving for Engineers September 21, 2021 In this podcast, Bruce Morey, Senior Technical Editor for Manufacturing Engineering Magazine discusses Techniques for Problem Solving for Engineers with Melisa Buie Corporate Director for Operational Excellence at Coherent.
The New Imperative: Improving Operations Through Industry 4.0 December 11, 2019 When it comes to being successful, manufacturers today have more tools than ever to succeed. Chris Mahar, Associate Editor of Manufacturing Engineering, talks with Jeff Lage, President, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies at Ellison Technologies, about how Industry 4.0 is helping manufacturers improve operations through data collection and insights. Providing tips on how businesses can get the most capacity out of their machines, remove waste and enable their machines do more.
Cobots Now Do Welding January 3, 2020 Cobots, like other robot equipment, started in material handling applications. However, this year, Universal Robots is introducing welding applications and other heavy duty metal fabrication.