Metal-Cored Wires Improve Welding Productivity, Costs March 10, 2022 By reducing interpass and post-weld cleanup with the FabCOR Edge XP wire, K-Line Trailers has seen a 10 percent to 15 percent increase in productivity.
Optimizing Machining and Production Performance March 4, 2022 Nikel Precision Group also implemented solutions that optimize tool performance to improve quality, as well as production intelligence that provides real-time insights into factory performance.
Welding With Laser September 24, 2020 As more original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and job shops “warm up” to the idea of laser welding, many have turned their attention to four specific technologies.
High-Power Fiber Laser Welding With Filler Material June 26, 2020 Fiber laser welding continues to grow as it improves in weld quality, reliability and performance. Many fiber laser welding applications are autogenous, where the weld is formed entirely by melting parts of the base metal and no additional filler wire or powder is used
Learn By Doing: Cal Poly Integrates Compact Waterjet into Engineering February 4, 2019 California Polytechnic State University’s (Cal Poly) Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME) Department is ensuring its students are prepared for the future of fabrication by integrating abrasive waterjet into its curriculum.
In Abrasive Machining, Timing May Not Be Everything, But… August 10, 2018 If there is a primary goal for what companies in this sector want to deliver to their customers it is quality. But throughput comes in a fairly close second.
Free Cybersecurity Health Assessments for Michigan Manufacturers October 20, 2023 Elevate your cybersecurity preparedness with a free SensCy Score assessment.
Static Nesting Provides Consistent Cutting Parameters for Multi-Site Laser Cutting Operations November 16, 2023 With Lantek MES, the entire manufacturing process can be tracked from planning through execution, allowing operators to group parts according to various criteria, such as machines, materials, thicknesses, customer and delivery date.
Emuge-Franken Wins ANCA’s Tool of the Year Award November 14, 2023 Emuge-Franken’s multi-functional carbide tool took home first place at Tool of ANCA’s sixth Tool of the Year Awards.
Processing Advanced Materials: Vacuum Curing and Debulking October 4, 2023 By improving efficiency, reducing labor costs, and enhancing product quality, vacuum tables offer aerospace manufacturers a competitive edge in the production of composite parts and adhesive-bonded structures.