Wisconsin Sensors and Controls Strategy Targets $1.4 Trillion Advanced Energy Sector January 18, 2018 Wisconsin could capitalize on its strengths in sensors and controls to drive economic growth and support over 44,000 jobs annually in the advanced energy industry. That’s the conclusion of a report from “The Wisconsin Jobs Project: A Guide to Creating Jobs in Sensors and Controls for Advanced Energy.”
Manufacturing Adds 66,000 Jobs in September October 2, 2020 U.S. manufacturing added 66,000 jobs in September, with the majority of that in durable goods, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said today.
To Retain Young Workers, Change Workplace Norms January 4, 2021 This article is based on the Workforce Leadership Exchange at FABTECH 2019. It continues coverage that began with the Up Front column in ME, January 2020, page 6, and continued with “Workforce Pipeline” on pages 102-103 of the April issue and “Workforce Pipeline” on pages 86-87 of the October issue.
Automatic Evaluation of X-ray Detector Performance December 1, 2020 Nikon Metrology's new Detector Evaluation Package in accordance with ASTM E2737 uniquely offers automated analysis of image data with performance trend analysis.
FANUC, Plus One Form Alliance December 2, 2020 FANUC America and Plus One Robotics said they have paired their technologies to meet the needs of their mutual customers in e-commerce.
Manufacturing Growth Eases in November December 1, 2020 Manufacturing’s economic expansion eased in November, the Institute for Supply Management said today.
How Manufacturers Can Build More Efficient Health Plans September 21, 2020 An executive makes the case for why manufacturers may want to change how they procure health plans.
Report: M&A in Precision Manufacturing Industry Remains High September 21, 2020 Capstone Headwaters released its Precision Manufacturing Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Update Sept. 17, reporting that transaction activity in the precision manufacturing industry has remained strong despite the pandemic.
NAM Survey Finds Use of PPP September 10, 2020 The National Association of Manufacturers said a quarterly survey shows strong use of liquidity programs like the Paycheck Protection Program and Main Street Lending Program.
Rush job? No prob! September 24, 2020 Improvements in manufacturing management software, robotics, additive manufacturing and thermal controls are making small batch sizes more cost effective—even for smaller shops. Manufacturing plants are able to reduce inventory, improve throughput and reduce demands on human operators.