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New Mastercam Reseller Available in San Diego

CNC Software Inc., developers of Mastercam, has a new reseller available to customers in the San Diego area. CAD/CAM Consulting Services Inc. (CCCS) has been among Mastercam’s top 10 Resellers for 27 years in Southern California, with offices in Anaheim and Newbury Park.

Mastercam ‘Wildest Parts Competition’ Accepting Entries

Mastercam CAD/CAM software, developed by CNC Software, Inc., is sponsoring a competition to inspire students and professionals in the manufacturing arena. The 2020 Masters of CAM Wildest Parts Competition is now accepting entries.

CIMdata Publishes CGTech VERICUT Product Review

CIMdata, Inc., the leading global PLM strategic consulting and research firm, has released a detailed product review for CGTech’s numerical control (NC/CNC) simulation, verification, and optimization solution suite, VERICUT. The review features the most recent version of VERICUT, V9.0, released in November 2019.

The Wide World of Machining

I’m always amazed by the wide range of technologies that go into the process of machining. At EASTEC 2019, I saw the latest and greatest technology from machine tool builders, cutting tool manufacturers, measurement providers, software developers, and many more.

Control Software Improvements Spurring Manufacturing’s Digitization Push

More and more manufacturers are seeing productivity as a crucial factor to their business success. In the meantime, business models are changing from the large quantities and few variants to small quantities with frequently changed variants. This change requires high flexibility during production.

Hybrid Additive/Subtractive Tech Changing the Face of Design and Manufacturing

Some of the key trends in manufacturing are brought about by convergence of the design and manufacturing industries. With manufacturers under more pressure than ever to deliver better products faster and at lower cost, the need to connect and automate design and manufacturing processes to reduce iterations, errors, and delivery times is becoming critical.