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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 881-890 of 1250 results for

Smart Manufacturing clear Casting clear Cybersecurity clear Automation clear

Developing a Multi-Tier Technology Workforce

Making operators and process designers better informed in real time, with a focus on making intelligent decisions with enhanced data, is the key to updating U.S. aerospace and defense manufacturing capabilities.

Now Is the Time to Go for Compliance with CMMC

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification, an assemblage of information and computer security controls, is required of Department of Defense suppliers starting this year, with rolling deadlines over the next few years.

Smart Manufacturing Predictions from Inside the AeroDef Boardroom

Smart manufacturing is transforming A&D manufacturing as more companies adopt automation, artificial intelligence and robotics. Some manufacturers are also focusing on eliminating so-called islands of automation and integrating the technology across entire processes.

Understanding Stretched Links, Stressed Chains in A&D

Supply-chain stresses are especially troublesome to the aerospace industry and its Tier suppliers. It’s critical that manufacturers in this industry attain a comprehensive understanding of their vulnerabilities.