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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 931-940 of 1057 results for

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Experts at FABTECH talk VR, AM and, yes, ROI

Foundry 45 is helping Delta Air Lines strategize on ways to keep maintenance workers safe in the “ingestion zone”—the dangerous environment underneath the airplane where people and equipment are moving around in close proximity to engines.

Best-Selling Machining Books of 2019

Practical Machinist wanted to simplify your quest by providing you with a list of the best-selling machining books of 2019 according to our community. All the books in this list are a must-have, so we strongly encourage you to add them to your machine shop library, if you don’t have them already.

30 leaders transforming manufacturing

As manufacturing undergoes the revolutionary changes of the Digital Age, the people with the keenest leadership skills have taken up the charge to modernize the industry so that it leverages the cloud and Big Data and is connected and smart.

Making Hay With Reams of Data—From Supply Chain Players

Within manufacturing, a shift has begun to extend big data analytics and condition monitoring beyond the factory door to both ends of the supply chain—to customers, other end users and to second-and third-tier suppliers.

Out with the old sensors (puh-lease!) and in with the new

Sensors are making their way deeper into process manufacturing where they monitor PH levels in vinegar, ensure towering bins of sugar aren’t overfilled and measure humidity in bakeries. Sensors are even helping power better mousetraps.