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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 951-960 of 1261 results for

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Welding Automation Addresses Skills Shortage

Like just about every other manufacturing operation, welding has made the leap into the 21st century with automation, agile manufacturing processes, and offline programming.

e-SPINDLE Monitors Cutting Processes in Real Time

Manufacturers have begun using sensors and actuators to monitor their cutting processes and adjust parameters to optimize tool life and workpiece quality. However, traditional monitoring systems have some drawbacks.

Mazak Opens Expanded Spindle Rebuild Department

As part of its most recent $15 million investment in its Florence, Ky.-based manufacturing campus, Mazak Corp. has completed its newly expanded Spindle Rebuild Department, now located in the company’s South Building.

Verisurf Software Partners With OpenX to Close Skills Gap

Verisurf Software has partnered with OpenX, an interactive learning platform, to provide comprehensive education courses to those looking to pursue a career in dimensional metrology or expand their skills in specific application areas.

Combined with AI, IoT, Blockchain Can Meet Many Supply Chain Challenges

Blockchain technology is becoming a key player in modernizing supply chains to enable easy tracking, automate transactions and delivery, and build end-to-end trust, Chandra Narayanaswami, principal research staff member, Member IBM Academy of Technology at IBM Research, told people attending a smart manufacturing session at the MD&M West conference here last week.

Control Software Improvements Spurring Manufacturing’s Digitization Push

More and more manufacturers are seeing productivity as a crucial factor to their business success. In the meantime, business models are changing from the large quantities and few variants to small quantities with frequently changed variants. This change requires high flexibility during production.