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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 1051-1060 of 1198 results for

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Bridge Tool & Die: CNC Turns ‘Feel’ Into High-Precision Carbide Grinding

Glenn Bridgman describes the difference between his shop’s manual grinders and its newest state-of-the-art CNC ID/OD grinder, a Studer CT960 OD/ID from United Grinding (Miamisburg, OH), as “feel vs. facts.” Bridgman, president of Bridge Tool & Die (Buckley, MI), believes that manual grinding is a somewhat personal operation.

Group14 Technologies Announces U.S. Plant

Group14 Technologies, a global provider of silicon-carbon composite materials for lithium-ion markets, announced the launch of its first commercial-scale 27,000-square foot U.S. manufacturing factory.

Verisurf Software Partners With OpenX to Close Skills Gap

Verisurf Software has partnered with OpenX, an interactive learning platform, to provide comprehensive education courses to those looking to pursue a career in dimensional metrology or expand their skills in specific application areas.