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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 1321-1330 of 1457 results for

Automation clear Software clear Cybersecurity clear Smart Manufacturing clear

Taking automation to a new level with advances in 3D vision

If there’s one thing you can say without reservation about manufacturing today, it’s that everybody wants more automation and flexibility. With advanced 3D vision and a multiaxis robot, companies can now automate to a degree their executives only dreamt of a few years ago.

Agile hardware development can quicken product lifecycle

In today’s booming software landscape, you see highly dynamic teams quickly iterating to develop and improve their products. Yet while the world’s software creators have learned to “move fast and break things,” hardware developers are still (slowly) moving to adopt a more agile product development methodology.

Removing mental roadblocks to improving operations

It’s a familiar scenario at the factory. Quality issues have reared their ugly heads, requiring rework, causing backorders, delaying shipments, and driving tense daily customer calls. Meanwhile, the team works to address production issues using a mix of day-old post-mortem reports, shop-floor observations captured on notepads, and other operational data summarized on spreadsheets and sticky notes.

Kuka Showcases Robotic Demos at TechCenter Grand Opening

Kuka Robotics Corp. held a grand opening of its new Metal & Arc TechCenter at its 80,000-sq.-ft. Shelby Township, MI, headquarters, Nov. 29-30. The grand opening featured 13 live robotic automation demonstrations, tours of the new TechCenter, and presentations on new technology.

What defense firms can do to ensure industrial security

Defense systems are, by design, built to defend against threats. Today, however, manufacturers of these systems are focusing on an entirely new kind of threat: security breaches targeting their automation systems.