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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 131-140 of 205 results for

Lasers clear Casting clear Grinding & Deburring clear

Welding With Laser

As more original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and job shops “warm up” to the idea of laser welding, many have turned their attention to four specific technologies.

Fab Cutting Update: Laser and Waterjet

What doesn’t happen in Vegas stays in our magazine. So, we bring you some highlights of the exciting advances in cutting you would have seen at FABTECH 2020 this year in Las Vegas, which has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

New Management, Processes Deliver Growth to SPM

Long-term customer contracts are a lofty goal for every contract manufacturer. At Shapes Precision Manufacturing (SPM), that goal is being achieved by a strong new management team using new fabricating processes initiated by a skilled workforce.

No Burrs, No Defects

A burr could become a danger point in the turbine engine. Classical manufacturing processes like turning, milling and grinding can lead to burr formation and unwanted sharp edges.

Helping Your Parts Shine On

The deburring and finishing of machined and fabricated parts is a necessary but often disregarded step in the manufacturing process.

Grinding Over Machining

Cost savings on aerospace manufacturing processes can come from many places, whether in reduced capital expenditure, consumable tooling, logistics, or cycle time reduction. Today engineers can identify opportunities where an abrasives solution will outperform traditional machining processes.

Making Welding Accessible to All

With the ongoing shortage of skilled workers and the pickup in the economy, suppliers of welding equipment are finding ways to making welding easier for those working in manufacturing. Automation is the leading technique among many.

Smart Manufacturing Predictions from Inside the AeroDef Boardroom

Smart manufacturing is transforming A&D manufacturing as more companies adopt automation, artificial intelligence and robotics. Some manufacturers are also focusing on eliminating so-called islands of automation and integrating the technology across entire processes.