Smart Manufacturing Takes Center Stage in 2022 January 31, 2022 Smart Manufacturing will come to the fore in 2022 as a holistic strategy that considers the entire process throughout a product’s entire lifecycle.
Companies are Building a Future in Florida January 26, 2021 Thanks in part to its pro-business policies, strong workforce, and trade infrastructure, Florida ranks among the nation’s top 10 states for manufacturing.
Process Control by Analyzing Metal Temperature Gradients with Fixed Thermal Imaging November 22, 2019 Producing metal products is one of the most energy intensive industries. Improving both energy and production efficiency, as well as ensuring product quality is at the top of any manufacturers to do list. Engineers should consider using fixed thermal imaging cameras to optimize their manufacturing process.
Metals Testing Requires Escalation-Based Strategy August 14, 2019 At Cary Rosenberg’s company, Watts Water Technologies, validating material properties to ensure they are composed of the correct elemental composition is an important part of their work.
Automation and AI Bring Future Closer Than Ever August 13, 2019 As a self-aware millennial, Pat Evans has long been wary of how quickly technology is taking over our lives and quickly dominating the economy. Attending HxGN Live in June, Hexagon AB’s annual digital solutions conference, some of those fears were reinforced, while others were quelled.
ZEISS Completes Steel Construction of New Facility in Michigan June 13, 2019 With the Steel Topping Out event, ZEISS has completed the steel portion of its state-of-the-art site near Detroit. The new facility for the Industrial Quality and Research (IQR) segment of ZEISS, represented in the USA by Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology, LLC, is scheduled to be complete in June 2020 and will consolidate four existing Michigan facilities into one location.
Control Software Improvements Spurring Manufacturing’s Digitization Push May 15, 2019 More and more manufacturers are seeing productivity as a crucial factor to their business success. In the meantime, business models are changing from the large quantities and few variants to small quantities with frequently changed variants. This change requires high flexibility during production.
AM, Spare Parts, and the Rise of the Micro Factory March 8, 2019 Manufacturing got smart when companies figured out how to make products in one market and sell them in another. Today, we call this supply chain logistics. But somewhere along the way, the innovation chain connecting supply (manufacturing) and logistics (the supporting infrastructure) started to diverge.
Testing the Metal November 27, 2018 Materials science has opened new possibilities for designers of cars, planes and other products. Metal alloys are now as precisely engineered as they are machined. The result is longer lasting, stronger parts. But with a wider selection of materials comes risk—how can you be sure that one piece of gray metal stock is different than another? Careful warehousing procedures and paperwork only go so far.
How AM is Changing Inspection in Smart Factories November 1, 2018 In the manufacturing industry, the importance of metrology, or the science of measurement, is often underestimated. However, inspection is critical for ensuring products work and operate safely.