Checking Up on Tool Monitoring May 28, 2021 Machine shops use a variety of techniques to track the condition of their cutting tools, ranging from simple to sophisticated. No matter what monitoring method is used, it can be crucial in preventing catastrophic tool failure. At its best, monitoring also significantly boosts tool life and slashes tooling costs.
Toolholding: Built for Speed May 27, 2021 The evolution to high speed machining (HSM) is continuing and toolholders are playing a crucial role in that process, which includes the interlinking of machining center, programming, high-speed spindles, advanced cutting tools, balancing, and high-performance toolholders in order for shops to take full advantage of HSM.
Enhanced X-ray CT from Nikon for Large Components May 28, 2021 Nikon Metrology’s industrial microfocus X-ray CT inspection solutions now enhanced with a new offset CT reconstruction algorithm to deliver faster scan speed and image resolution.
Livin’ Large with Outsize Parts and Workholding May 25, 2021 Workholding needs to be super-sized when machining workpieces like truck transmission housings, wind turbine blades, rocket bodies, and more, for industries like aerospace and defense, agricultural, energy, marine, rail, and on- and off-road transportation.
New Data Collection Technology Ensures Speed, Accuracy, Scalability and Security May 21, 2021 Roush Yates Engines explored ways to improve the accuracy, integrity and throughput of its measurement data, and decided to implement DataSure 4.0, a data acquisition solution developed by The L.S. Starrett Co.
ZEISS to Acquire Capture 3D May 11, 2021 ZEISS said it has agreed to acquire Capture 3D. Financial terms were not disclosed.
Drill Choice: Solid-Carbide or Replaceable-Insert? April 27, 2021 Selecting the best type of cutting tool for holemaking jobs is not always clear. It is best to have a drill that caters to the workpiece material, produces the specs required, and provides the most profit for the job at hand. Considering the variety of jobs and parts manufactured in machine shops, there is no “one-drill-fits-all.”
Legal Insights for the Metals Industry April 15, 2021 Two attorneys explain why a strong sales contract is a necessity in the metals industry.
SMW Autoblok Introduces New Production Unit and Special Solutions Catalog April 13, 2021 SMW Autoblok has opened a new design and manufacturing production unit located in Petacciato, Italy.