The Benefits of Perfectly Drilled Holes May 4, 2023 Toolholding is the key to boosting drilling accuracy.
AI-Based Robotics Address Industry 4.0 Pain Points January 18, 2023 Streamline production, enhance safety with advanced AMRs
Getting a Firm Hold on Your Process September 8, 2022 Advanced toolholding and workholding devices offer gripping prowess—and sometimes more
High-Feed vs. High-Speed Milling: It's All About the Chips September 7, 2022 Engineering chip and chip formation lead to quality results.
Tooling and Workholding Markets Poised for Growth September 6, 2022 An examination of what's driving growth in tooling and workholding.
Precision Workholding Delivers Long-Term Value June 24, 2022 As demand increased, STOBER engineers saw the need for greater flexibility and increased production, while at the same time maintaining the required precision.
ABB Executive Wins Robotics Award June 22, 2022 Bertil Thorvaldsson, senior advisor at ABB, has received the prestigious Engelberger Robotics Award for Leadership.
ShopBot Tools Launches Virtual Workshop for CNC May 13, 2020 ShopBot Tools, a manufacturer of CNC routers, has launched a “virtual workshop” for ShopBot customers and CNC users. While individuals, businesses, and educational institutions work to adapt to the changing environment surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, ShopBot is providing virtual tools to make CNC accessible to small and mid-sized manufacturers, including education, training, information, support.
Rollomatic Introduces New Capability for Sharpening of Diamond-Coated Carbide Tools May 15, 2020 Rollomatic Inc., the U.S. arm of Rollomatic SA, a machine tool manufacturer based in Switzerland, has announced new capabilities related to the LaserSmart 510 laser cutting and ablation machine.
Shops Use Shrink-Fit with Presetters for Toolholding Efficiency April 15, 2020 Unlike its name, the use of shrink-fit tooling is expanding. A shrink-fit toolholder starts with a slightly undersize bore that is heated to enlarge the inner diameter enough to accept a cutting tool and then grip the cutter as it cools and contracts.