Industry 4.0 to Alter Jobs, Not Kill Them February 9, 2022 Industry 4.0 will change the nature of manufacturing jobs while not killing off such work.
Building resilience against disruption December 2, 2021 Key steps are virtual twins and real relationships.
H.C. Starck aiming high with refractory metals December 3, 2021 A conversation with Faith Oehlerking, R&D engineer for additive Manufacturing at H.C. Starck Solutions.
Adaptive Manufacturing Key to Thriving Amid Volatility December 16, 2021 An adaptive manufacturing strategy gets every team essential to a product’s success communicating and collaborating in real time.
Robotics, Automation Could Support Sustainable Development December 22, 2021 Advanced technology can be used to create sustainable solutions and tackle world poverty.
VR stands ready to stand in (for R) July 16, 2020 When designers at Siemens started using virtual reality (VR) to quickly evaluate early-stage ideas, the usually slow and costly design-and-iteration process went from days and hours to minutes.
IACMI supplies scale-up testing for new composite parts July 15, 2020 Until just a few years ago, if a vehicle maker wanted to test the process for making a newly designed composite part at full scale, the company’s R&D engineers would call one of its Tier Ones and ask to schedule a trial run on the composites fabricator’s machines during off hours.
CESMII’s SMIP shines in test drive July 15, 2020 In a recent demonstration of the vendor-agnostic Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform (SMIP) from CESMII, project partners first helped managers of North Carolina State University’s water purification plant get off the dime and analyze the data they were collecting with smart instruments.
Trillium Machine finds a way to effectively train newbies July 17, 2020 One of the biggest challenges that any shop faces in 2020 is finding skilled workers to backfill those baby boomers who are retiring, or simply finding staff to meet the demand of a healthy manufacturing economy.
Industry’s vaccine against future COVID-XX challenges July 15, 2020 The COVID-19 crisis caught all of us off guard and interrupted global systems in a way not experienced in recent memory.