GF Machining Solution Shifts Sales Model in Some States December 22, 2020 GF Machining Solutions said it will transition in phases to a direct sales and support model in several key states.
Stratasys Agrees to Acquire Origin December 9, 2020 Stratasys Ltd. said it agreed to acquire 3D printing start-up Origin Inc. in a transaction for total consideration of up to $100 million, including cash and stock.
AMUG Reschedules, Relocates Conference December 9, 2020 Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) said today it is rescheduling and relocating its annual in-person AMUG Conference because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
3D Systems Announces Bioprinting Advance January 27, 2021 3D Systems announced its decision to expand efforts related to regenerative medicine and bioprinting.
Siemens, EOS North America Expand PartnershipPartnership February 24, 2021 Siemens Digital Industries Software and EOS North America announced said they expanded a partnership aimed at increasing the adoption of industrial 3D printing.
Siemens, IBM, Red Hat Launch Hybrid Cloud Initiative February 24, 2021 Siemens, IBM, and Red Hat today announced a new collaboration that will use a hybrid cloud designed to deliver an open, flexible and more secure solution for manufacturers.
Durable Goods Orders Rise in December January 27, 2021 Durable goods orders increased in December, aided by orders for machinery, the U.S. Commerce Department said today.
Caterpillar Profit Slips Due to Pandemic January 29, 2021 Caterpillar Inc., the Deerfield, Illinois-based maker of heavy equipment, today reported lower quarterly and full-year profit after sales were hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Metal 3D Printing’s Day is Coming in Automotive June 8, 2018 The world is undergoing some radical transformations related to the concept of “motorized transport.” This term was once synonymous with the automobile and the internal combustion engine, along with the conventional infrastructure supporting this technology like asphalt roads, filling stations and repair shops.
Report Urges US Investment in Manufacturing June 14, 2018 A new report urges the United States invest in emerging manufacturing technologies, saying the private sector can’t preserve US manufacturing by itself.