Flexible electronics firm wrings fitness, physical information out of perspiration October 1, 2021 Epicore partnered with PepsiCo to develop and manufacture a wearable sweat analyzer device and branded it with the name of the food and beverage giant’s sports drink. The Gatorade Gx Sweat Patch and App system is marketed to athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
Smart Manufacturing Predictions from Inside the AeroDef Boardroom September 30, 2021 Smart manufacturing is transforming A&D manufacturing as more companies adopt automation, artificial intelligence and robotics. Some manufacturers are also focusing on eliminating so-called islands of automation and integrating the technology across entire processes.
Adaptive Welding Key to Power Generation November 18, 2020 While water and fire tube boiler power plants may be considered archaic, they now power much of North America and will for some time, even as newer, cleaner, greener tech transitions into the mainstream and becomes practical.
Organization and Personnel Change at Rollomatic October 18, 2021 The company creates a new laser unit while releasing a new tool grinding machine.
4 technology trends that will define modern manufacturing December 20, 2021 As manufacturers embrace the “new normal,” advanced technologies will set organizations apart from the field.
Siemens Technical Application Center Provides Hands-on Learning December 27, 2021 CNC professionals around the world are taking advantage of Siemens’ free training, available hands-on and online, to improve their shop floors and their careers.
Focusing on the Workforce January 7, 2022 As the 2022 SME president, I hope to build on the successes of my predecessors with a particular emphasis on workforce development and especially the workforce itself.
Mitsubishi Electric Helps Elevator Technicians Troubleshoot Issues December 23, 2021 A new case study highlights the success of Mitsubishi Electric’s PLC data-logging and diagnostics technologies, as well as its variable frequency drives.
Medical Manufacturing Gets Smarter October 28, 2021 More flexible machines and more automation are remaking the future of health care.
Gulf Coast FAME Chapter Established in Northwest Florida – A Unique Opportunity for Students and Industry Talent Recruitment October 11, 2021 Bay Economic Development Alliance, Gulf Coast State College partner with local manufacturers to establish Gulf Coast FAME Chapter