The Ideal Interface for Machining March 9, 2022 The importance of making machine tool controls faster, more powerful and, above all, friendlier in the age of skilled labor shortages.
New AM Machines, Materials Fill Niches March 30, 2022 Makers of new machines and materials for additive manufacturing are touting their products for the niches they fill—tool making and machine shop production, for example. They’re also talking about sustainability.
Voices AMplified: Jennifer Coyne Leverages Career in Rail Sector To Industrialize Additive March 8, 2022 Jennifer Coyne leverages an impressive career in the rail sector to help industrialize additive manufacturing
Desktop Metal Introduces X-Series Line March 7, 2022 Desktop Metal announced the launch of the X-Series line of binder jet 3D printing systems for metal and ceramic powders in a wide range of particle sizes.
Desktop Metal Revenue Surges March 8, 2022 Additive manufacturer Desktop Metal said today its fourth-quarter revenue surged as the company completed its first full year as a publicly traded entity.
Next-Generation Metal Powders for Medical Additive Manufacturing September 21, 2021 Additive manufacturing manufacturers are beginning to refocus on innovation where the additive process begins—metal powder.
Perfect Partners: 3D Printing and Computer Simulation September 16, 2021 Combining virtual reality and 3D printed replicas of body parts, the patient as well as a surgical team can be prepared.
Evolving Regulatory Landscape for 3D Printing September 15, 2021 How evolving medical 3D industry registered products with the FDA under a low risk, Class I product code - HWT.
Material Handling Traceability and Economics: The Digital Thread in AM September 14, 2021 Challenges around additive materials need to be addressed to allow for a smoother transition towards reliable mass production in medical.