Smart Manufacturing: Building Talent to Accelerate a Digital Transformation The third in the Smart Manufacturing Report series focuses on the importance of a learning culture, and how manufacturers are developing a “smart” workforce to drive business results. In this report, learn from the processes and the successes of industry leaders who’ve created high performance teams to meet the demands of the Industry 4.0 economy.
Smart Manufacturing: 7 Essential Building Blocks The Smart Manufacturing Report Series by SME helps manufacturers consider, evaluate and execute strategies to become strong competitors as the industry shifts to integrated and flexible advanced manufacturing technology and tools. Upcoming reports provide a roadmap for manufacturers who want to adopt these practices, outlining the right technologies and solutions, and how to recruit and train a “smart” workforce.
Trends in Digital Manufacturing Understanding the challenges the manufacturing community faces and their plans in adopting advanced technologies is critical to the success of the industry. In the Trends in Digital Manufacturing survey jointly conducted by SME and Plataine, nearly 400 C-level manufacturers from multiple industries provide key insights into their plans for factory digitization.
Experts In Demand: Growth in Metal AM Creates Need for Professionals The additive manufacturing industry grew 21% in 2017, as the industry expanded by more than $1.25 billion, creating new products and geometries that haven’t been done before, according to the Wohlers Report 2018. Metal Additive Manufacturing has experienced significant growth in the last year, with an 80% increase in metal AM hardware systems sold in 2017 compared with AM systems sold in 2016, according to the Report.
Smart Manufacturing: A Competitive Necessity The Smart Manufacturing Report Series by SME helps manufacturers consider, evaluate and execute strategies to become strong competitors as the industry shifts to integrated and flexible advanced manufacturing technology and tools. Upcoming reports provide a roadmap for manufacturers who want to adopt these practices, outlining the right technologies and solutions, and how to recruit and train a “smart” workforce.
Driving Talent: Developing Next-Gen Talent for the U.S. Automotive Sector SME research indicates more than three-quarters of U.S. automotive manufacturers and suppliers anticipate major challenges finding the skilled workers they need. In this report, SME examines that talent gap in detail and explore ways our nation can quickly act to reverse current trends and retain its leadership in the auto sector.
2019 Manufacturing Technology Harmonization Study Executive Summary (PDF) 2019 Manufacturing Technology Harmonization Study Executive Summary