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Displaying 621-630 of 884 results for

Robotics clear Fabrication clear Additive Manufacturing & 3D Printing clear

Machinery Industry Is Healthy, Expanding

“We expect to see the world machinery market grow in the next five years,” said Arun Kumar a director at AlixPartners in a discussion he and I had recently.

Teeth Being Restored and Jobs Being Reshored

One of the early applications for 3D printing/additive manufacturing (AM) was in the medical industry. As the machines and materials have improved, the use of these technologies expanded into almost every application. In medical, there are unique challenges as patient safety is paramount and government regulation and insurance issues structure what can and will be done.

Additive Manufacturing: A Global Perspective

Stefan Ritt, vice president, Global Marketing and Communications (Lübeck, Germany; Wixom, MI), is a recognized leader and expert in AM metals business and applications. He has seen current metal additive manufacturing (AM) applications and developments giving him a unique perspective on this market and where it is going.

3D Printing: A Change Agent for Manufacturing

It’s not often you get the opportunity to witness rapid, life-impacting change, but for those of us who have been in the 3D printing industry over the last few decades, we have witnessed just that. In the last 20-plus years, 3D printing has changed the definition of manufacturing from merely “one-size-fits-all” to “customized” production and from “high-volume” to “high-complexity/low-volume”—a startling paradigm shift that has enabled many new applications for the manufacturing industry.

Bridging the Advanced Manufacturing Skills Gap with Talented Military Veterans

Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. These are some of the many values that our nations’ heroes live by every day. Most will agree that these instilled values embody what makes veterans great assets in the workforce. Veterans show up on time, are disciplined, and are great problem solvers. There is a problem though. These skilled veterans are having difficulties making the transition to what they call the “civilian world”. Every month thousands of soldiers embark on this new journey.