Human Innovation and Advanced Automation: The Balancing Act of Modern Manufacturing May 16, 2019 The automation debate is a captivating one, but for some it conjures up images of a world where their roles become obsolete, superseded by the ruthless efficiency and unwavering energy of machines.
Bringing Intelligent Automation Tech to the Broad Engineering Market August 1, 2019 Amid vigorous growth in their industry, product lifecycle management (PLM) software developers are exploiting the cloud and machine learning to manage data and enhance the users’ experience.
Securing OT in the Energy and Utilities Sector August 15, 2019 Convergence-enabled cyberattacks—where criminals exploit traditionally isolated operational technology (OT) devices through their new connections to the IT network—may be motivated by the desire to hijack and demand ransom for services, steal trade secrets through industrial or national cyberespionage, or commit cyberterrorism or engage in cyberwarfare.
McDermott International Uses 3DEXPERIENCE from Dassault Systèmes to Drive Fundamental Change July 19, 2019 McDermott International is using Digital Twins to grow its business and to keep information flowing instead of trapped in silos.
Medical Drivers July 3, 2019 Well into the 21st century, the medical industry faces a host of intriguing challenges, from aging populations to a growing range of personalized and at-home diagnostic and care devices—all set against a backdrop of increasing digital collection, transfer and storage of sensitive patient data.
GF Machining Demonstrates New Technology, New Applications July 26, 2019 Necessity, as the saying goes, is the mother of invention, and this symbiotic relationship between need and solution was on full display at a recent two-day, two-location event hosted by GF Machining Solutions.
Automating Job Shops? You Bet! February 28, 2019 If “automation” is the constant drone you hear from practically everyone in metalworking these days, job shop owners might be the only people yelling “No!” Or at least “Wait!” How, they ask, can you cost-effectively automate low-volume, high-mix parts? Yet it’s not only doable but probably necessary.
Can Wearable Robotics Shrink the Worker Shortage? February 5, 2019 With a shortage of young workers willing and able to do today’s factory jobs, manufacturers are taking steps to retain the older workforce already punching in.
Price Downturn Leads Shale Producers to Greater Efficiency November 15, 2018 After petroleum prices collapsed in the mid-2010s, shale oil and gas producers responded to the down-swing by borrowing techniques and technology from the energy sector’s offshore well operations, manufacturing, and even the medical industry to increase efficiency.
Industries Still Struggle With Automation, Consulting Company Says October 11, 2018 Various industries are still struggling with automation despite long-standing efforts, consulting McKinsey & Co. said in a report.