Improving Patient Outcomes With Additive Manufacturing June 2, 2020 Surgical outcomes are increasingly being scrutinized by groups like the National Health Service (NHS) and World Health Organization (WHO), who audit outcomes and publish their findings.
Partnerships Foster Materials for Dental Applications May 28, 2020 While 3D printing for dental applications is generally recognized as a mature technology, material innovation continues apace. An emerging trend has been for machine and material suppliers to augment their portfolios by working with or acquiring outside partners.
3D Printing Comes to Biology May 15, 2020 If everyone were to stand in a single-file line, patients on the U.S. organ transplant waiting list would form a line over 70 miles long.
The Palette of Materials Expands for Medical 3D Printing May 15, 2020 Materials engineered for use with specific printers and qualified for verifiable repeatability and accuracy help ensure long-term mechanical properties ranging from heat resistance to biocompatibility.
Medical Additive: Out of R&D and In Production May 14, 2020 When the press reports on additive manufacturing, the line between what’s possible now and what may be coming in the future is sometimes blurry. People love to read about breakthroughs taking place in university labs and company R&D centers—the reports of which always include Star Trek-like possibilities of what those breakthroughs may portend.
Emerging Trends In Additive Manufacturing for Health Care May 14, 2020 Using 3D printing, or additive manufacturing (AM), in health care is on the rise, with the market expected to be worth nearly $26 billion by 2022. This growth goes well beyond just prototyping, as AM is already used throughout the industry to solve problems and improve care.
Need for PPE Launches New Non-Profit Manufacturing Firm May 7, 2020 Design engineer Glen Dobbs has talent, curiosity, resourcefulness, and perhaps the most important attribute of all—a big heart. Dobbs is the President and CEO of LoganTech, a manufacturer of several lines of communications devices for nonverbal and visually impaired individuals.
Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Prevention With 3D Printing May 18, 2020 The North American medical startup Marvel Medtech purchased an XJet Carmel 1400C 3D printer in the summer of 2019 to build key components in tools for fighting breast cancer.
Digital Manufacturing Accelerates Medical Device Innovation May 19, 2020 The field of health care is often considered to be one of the most dynamic. The speed at which innovation is occurring—from the way surgeries are performed, to the development of new therapies—is moving evermore rapidly.
State of 3D Printing in Healthcare May 21, 2020 Formlabs was founded by MIT researchers in 2011, when high-quality 3D printing was inaccessible for most. We’ve now shipped over 50,000 machines while cementing our mission to “expand access to digital fabrication, so anyone can make anything.”