Ford Bails Out of Self-Driving Vehicles (For Now, Anyway) November 1, 2022 Ford Motor Co. last week reported a large third-quarter loss after writing off its investment in self-driving company Argo AI. The move demonstrated why managing in the auto industry is hard.
Eaton: Case Study for Suppliers Adapting to EVs October 31, 2022 Eaton provides a case study of how traditional auto suppliers are moving to adapt to the EV era.
Tag: Increased Safety Tracking Is It April 25, 2023 Improving productivity and safety are two of the biggest concerns in manufacturing. Honeywell says its new Safety Watch system can increase both by tracking the whereabouts of employees.
Manufacturers Optimistic Despite Challenges, Study Says April 18, 2023 Harbour Results, Inc. (HRI) released results from its Harbour IQ Manufacturing Pulse Study.
UAW, With New Leadership, Reaches Out for Public Support April 26, 2023 The United Auto Workers union, after decades of shunning reporters and public support, may be changing tactics.
UAW’s New President Sounds Tough Note Ahead of Labor Talks April 21, 2023 The new president of the United Auto Workers union today said the union is prepared for tough labor talks with General Motors Co., Ford Motor Co. and Stellantis NV.
Durable Goods Orders Rebound on Aircraft April 26, 2023 Orders for durable goods increased in March after a surge in orders for aircraft, the Commerce Department said today.
GF Machining Solutions Relocates Warehouse May 3, 2023 GF Machining Solutions has moved its North American parts warehouse operations to an airport-adjacent location in Indianapolis.
Caterpillar Quarterly Profit Rises April 27, 2023 Caterpillar Inc., the maker of heavy machinery, today reported a higher first-quarter profit on increased sales.
Data-Driven Productivity April 26, 2023 Advanced sensors and controllers go digital for a competitive edge.