Jeanmarie Desmond and Natalia Pavlova Join Board of IPG Photonics January 26, 2021 IPG Photonics Corp., a manufacturer of high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers for materials processing and other applications has appointed Jeanmarie Desmond and Natalia Pavlova to its board of directors, effective January 7, 2021.
Welding With Laser September 24, 2020 As more original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and job shops “warm up” to the idea of laser welding, many have turned their attention to four specific technologies.
Fab Cutting Update: Laser and Waterjet September 23, 2020 What doesn’t happen in Vegas stays in our magazine. So, we bring you some highlights of the exciting advances in cutting you would have seen at FABTECH 2020 this year in Las Vegas, which has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Improving 3D Scanning June 20, 2018 While 3D scanning has already been adopted by many automotive part manufacturers, the use cases in Quality Control (QC) have been limited.
Auto to See More Robots June 20, 2018 Automotive is one of the most highly-automated industries in the world, and it has been a leading force in expanding the use of industrial automation for decades. In fact, the first industrial robot in production was a Unimation UNIMATE that GM installed on a die-casting line in New Jersey in 1962.
ARM Announces Awardees of First Funding Round June 12, 2018 Pittsburgh, PA – June 12, 2018 — Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) is proud to announce the awardees of its first round of project funding to strengthen U.S. manufacturing. Separate from ARM’s first official project call, these projects were selected upon ARM’s inception to begin generating timely impact on the national manufacturing landscape and serve as examples of ARM’s mission.
How Factory Intelligence is Evolving May 11, 2018 Intelligent factories have existed since manufacturing’s historical inception, but intelligence—defined as the acquisition and application of manufacturing knowledge—resided only with the factory’s staff.
Report Urges US Investment in Manufacturing June 14, 2018 A new report urges the United States invest in emerging manufacturing technologies, saying the private sector can’t preserve US manufacturing by itself.
Performance Breakthroughs Drive Laser Marking April 9, 2018 While laser marking and engraving are well-established processes, innovations and investments in the sector are continuing to push performance boundaries.
Laser Welding Advances Fuel New Applications April 6, 2018 From producing lithium-ion batteries to processing sheetmetal, new laser welding systems are “pushing the envelope” of light absorption, beam control, speed and programming flexibility.