Bridge Tool & Die: CNC Turns ‘Feel’ Into High-Precision Carbide Grinding November 28, 2018 Glenn Bridgman describes the difference between his shop’s manual grinders and its newest state-of-the-art CNC ID/OD grinder, a Studer CT960 OD/ID from United Grinding (Miamisburg, OH), as “feel vs. facts.” Bridgman, president of Bridge Tool & Die (Buckley, MI), believes that manual grinding is a somewhat personal operation.
Automating Job Shops? You Bet! February 28, 2019 If “automation” is the constant drone you hear from practically everyone in metalworking these days, job shop owners might be the only people yelling “No!” Or at least “Wait!” How, they ask, can you cost-effectively automate low-volume, high-mix parts? Yet it’s not only doable but probably necessary.
Siemens Introduces Camstar Electronics Suite Software January 30, 2019 Siemens announced today the introduction of Camstar™ Electronics Suite software, an innovative manufacturing execution system (MES) for electronics.
Price Downturn Leads Shale Producers to Greater Efficiency November 15, 2018 After petroleum prices collapsed in the mid-2010s, shale oil and gas producers responded to the down-swing by borrowing techniques and technology from the energy sector’s offshore well operations, manufacturing, and even the medical industry to increase efficiency.
Energy Industry’s Up-and-Down Cycle Continues December 6, 2018 The energy industry is often at the forefront of our minds as we watch fuel prices climb and then celebrate when they come down. We continually find ways to be as energy efficient as possible in our homes and workplaces. Media outlets keep us constantly informed of this often-volatile industry’s ups and downs.
LIFT Receives $5 Million Department of Defense Grant To Expand “Operation Next” Across the Country November 12, 2019 LIFT – Lightweight Innovations For Tomorrow, announced today it received a $5 million grant to expand the program to nine additional military bases across the country over the next three years.
Latest Release of Siemens NX CAM Offers New Capabilities January 23, 2020 Siemens Digital Industries Software, Plano, Texas has released Siemens’ NX for manufacturing software, an end-to-end solution for part manufacturing.
Process Control by Analyzing Metal Temperature Gradients with Fixed Thermal Imaging November 22, 2019 Producing metal products is one of the most energy intensive industries. Improving both energy and production efficiency, as well as ensuring product quality is at the top of any manufacturers to do list. Engineers should consider using fixed thermal imaging cameras to optimize their manufacturing process.
Mastercam Partners with TITANS of CNC December 5, 2019 CNC Software Inc., developers of Mastercam, has announced a new partnership with TITANS of CNC Inc. to help train the next generation of highly skilled CNC machinists and eliminate the widening skills gap.
ECI Announces 2019 Everyday Hero Award Winners December 10, 2019 ECI Software Solutions, a leader in cloud-based business management solutions, has awarded Adam and Melinda Hendrix of Chic Lumber $10,000 as the first place winners of the 2019 Everyday Hero Award for their work to combat heroin addiction.