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Displaying 941-950 of 1484 results for

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Hexagon Moves Beyond Metrology

Describe Hexagon’s latest moves in factory automation, including unifying its metrology software with its CAD/CAM and other manufacturing software.

CGTech Launches VERICUT Version 9.0

CGTech Inc. has announced the latest release of VERICUT software, Version 9.0. VERICUT CNC machine simulation, verification, and optimization software simulates CNC machining, additive, and hybrid manufacturing processes. The software operates independently, but can also be integrated with leading CAM systems.

Flexibility as a Fundamental Weapon Against COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing major upheavals both in people’s lives and in the manufacturing world. One of the main problems that even the most developed nations are facing is a shortage of personal protection equipment (PPE), including masks, glasses, gowns, safety suits, and fans.

Manufacturers Unveil Industry COVID-19 Shared Practices

The Manufacturing Leadership Council, a division of the National Association of Manufacturers, released a new collection of emerging strategies and operational practices that manufacturers of all sizes are implementing to keep their employees safe and facilities operating.