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How to get passenger airbag score lines just right

Automotive manufacturers and their Tier One suppliers spend endless engineering hours developing the PAB (passenger airbag) system, from the airbag and its propellant to the construction of the materials used in the composite instrument panel.

Skills gap solutions, straight from those on the front lines

With the September issue, Smart Manufacturing introduces Collective Intelligence, a new initiative under which we gather experts in one room to go deep on one important topic. We focused this first roundtable on the intractable problem of the workforce skills gap.

CAD/CAM Programs Get Parts On, Off Machine Faster, More Efficiently

Ask almost any CAD/CAM vendor what they’re focused on and they’ll tell you it’s the same today as it was five years ago, and it’ll be the same in five years: Get the part onto the machine as fast as possible and get it off the machine as fast as possible. Here’s the current state of play in those two main areas.

No Room for Error

When energy infrastructure fails, the cost is often unbearable. Are better design tools the means to reduce risk, improve efficiency, and prepare the world for a more sustainable future?

Why Wait? Ask an Automation Trainer for Guidance

Even for those well on the automation path, there can be stumbling blocks to overcome or additional areas to be automated. A new, objective view from a different source could provide a satisfying solution.