SME Workforce Vision Imagine a workforce development system that is as streamlined and efficient as a smart factory. At SME, we have. We are creating a diverse and qualified talent pool to meet workplace demand by stepping up our efforts and investments in launching innovative workforce solutions and partnering with manufacturers, educators, individuals, and workforce development agencies.
Impact Through Connections It all starts with collaboration, one of our core values. To strengthen the manufacturing supply chain with technically skilled individuals, we are expanding on our own programs through involvement with hundreds of other like-minded organizations and educators to do more together, faster, to build our nation’s talent capacity and capabilities. Learn about our Manufacturing Imperative - Workforce Pipeline Challenge with 27 Participating Colleges.
Think Nationally. Act Locally. SME uses 90+ years of national and local action to build a systematic approach to workforce development that optimizes, amplifies, accelerates, and scales effective local initiatives and programs. With our unique national vantage point and experience along with local knowledge and partnerships, we are driving and sustaining manufacturing for economic growth and prosperity across North America.
Innovation and Workforce Development The manufacturing industry is seeing extraordinary operational transformation in the digital age. Now advanced technology is helping companies attract, develop, and retain talent. We can help support your workforce development strategies with training on core topics such as machining, welding and GD&T to artificial intelligence and automation. Explore Tooling U-SME’s 600+ online classes, Virtual Labs, instructor-led training, apprenticeships, and consulting services.
Talent Supply to Match Workforce Demand The industry and nation are at risk if we don’t revitalize the industry’s industrial base, grow the talent pipeline and enhance the skills and productivity of our workforce. SME is working with our partners to create an effective learning culture and accelerate workforce development. Together, we can build a robust talent supply to match critical workplace demand.
Experienced Workforce Team Our workforce team has over 200 years of experience. From former educators to economic development veterans, we have the expertise to develop solutions to your unique challenges and scale them for broad industry impact. Meet Our Workforce Team
Join the Movement: Contact Us If you have a successful workforce development program, we’d love to hear about it and share your good work. If you need ideas on how to optimize your workforce, please reach out.